
This year I didn’t have time to go to the pumpkin patch, but I did get a pumpkin from Safeway! It was the first pumpkin I carved since my accident … with A LOT of help from my dad. I decided to keep it simple with triangle eyes and a nose – those fancy sketches are too much for me. And let’s be honest, I’m not the least bit crafty or artistic.

The Little Things

On April 1st, 2012 I lost the ability to do a lot of things I took for granted. Many people would probably think it’s things like walking, running, or my independence that I miss most. Maybe for many in my situation that is what they miss; however, that’s not the case for me. Of course, if I could miraculously be healed and walk again I would be beyond ecstatic – I pray for that every once in a while. But it’s the little things I…Continue Reading “The Little Things”

LJO Makeup

One of my closest friends, Larisa, is incredibly talented at makeup. Any opportunity I get to have her do my makeup I take – this time she did it just for fun. I love being glammed up. I jump at any chance I get to spend time with Larisa and be made into a total babe in the process. If you need your makeup done for a high school dance, date night, photo shoot, wedding, any event I would highly recommend her. You can check…Continue Reading “LJO Makeup”

The “Hike”

Today my dad took my mom, Charlie (my puppy), and me on what he called a “hike,” which was really a small loop trail right up the road from my house. It was great to get out and enjoy the last bit of sunshine we might have this year. Once again, I rolled in dog sh*t – the second time in a week! Ugh. I washed my hands REALLY good when I got home because I think I may have touched it multiple times since…Continue Reading “The “Hike””


Over the weekend Marty and I went on a drive on the North Cascades Highway. Our final destination was Diablo Lake, which was absolutely stunning – the picture doesn’t do it justice. I highly recommend taking a day to make this drive and stop at all the little towns along the way. On our way we drove through Arlington and talked about how fun it would be to live in a similar place away from the busy city, build a house on a big piece of…Continue Reading “Drive”

Carrie Underwood – Storyteller Tour

Last night I went to the Carrie Underwood concert with Marty. Anybody who knows me knows she’s my girl. Earlier in the day I’d gotten my hair colored, which I’m obsessed with by the way, then we went our favorite restaurant, Tutta Bella, and then it was time for Carrie. Even though the day ended with me wheeling through dog sh*t and sitting in 45 minutes of traffic to get out of downtown, it was a great day. It was my third time seeing her…Continue Reading “Carrie Underwood – Storyteller Tour”

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Growing up my parents taught my brother and me we could do anything we set our minds to. As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized I’m very much like my dad; while he has a wide array of careers he thinks I’d be good at or should pursue – he’s a big dreamer – I have quite the vision for myself. I call my boyfriend, Marty, every week and tell him something new I’m going to do with my life. Because he’s so great he quietly…Continue Reading “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

A day in my life – things you might not know

Some of you may have read this post before – a few years ago I posted it on my Facebook but I figured it was relevant and a good way to start this blog. Before my accident I’d obviously seen people in wheelchairs, but never knew what all it entailed. I always thought paralysis meant you couldn’t move your legs and that was it. Little did I know, speaking solely about my spinal cord injury (SCI), you can’t use your fingers, hands, or core either – just for…Continue Reading “A day in my life – things you might not know”