What do you want to be when you grow up?

Categories Life

Growing up my parents taught my brother and me we could do anything we set our minds to. As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized I’m very much like my dad; while he has a wide array of careers he thinks I’d be good at or should pursue – he’s a big dreamer – I have quite the vision for myself.

I call my boyfriend, Marty, every week and tell him something new I’m going to do with my life. Because he’s so great he quietly laughs and then tells me whatever I want he’ll support. It’s great being surrounded by people who believe in me.

I’m currently in the process of opening a center/gym for people with paralysis, which I am so excited and passionate about. I’ve wanted to do this for a couple years now and I finally am. Come October I’m going to take a class to become a Loan Officer and I’ll then work for the mortgage company my dad is a partner in. The latest and greatest dream jobs of mine are to open and run a bar – Marty says I won’t make any money doing this because I’d give out too many free drinks; from watching too much HGTV and Fixer Upper I want to flip houses; I have ideas for some apps I want to create- who knows maybe I’ll wind up like Mark Zuckerberg worth $50 billion; – have a TV show around my life, gym, or house flipping business; and turn my blog into something more and make some money off of it. I also decided yesterday I’m going to volunteer on the rehab floor at Harborview – my heart is happy there.

Ask me next week what I’d like to do with my life and you’ll most likely get a different response. Maybe I’ll do it all.

Jesus. Husband. Family. Schnoodle. Spaghetti.