
Over the weekend Marty and I went on a drive on the North Cascades Highway. Our final destination was Diablo Lake, which was absolutely stunning – the picture doesn’t do it justice. I highly recommend taking a day to make this drive and stop at all the little towns along the way. On our way we drove through Arlington and talked about how fun it would be to live in a similar place away from the busy city, build a house on a big piece of property, own a riding lawnmower, grow tomatoes, have dogs and chickens, and buy a boat, ATVs, and a motorcycle; we saw the landslide that happened a few years ago in Oso – absolutely devastating; we stopped to get food at the Burger Barn in Darrington until Marty refused to eat there after he walked inside and came right out with a funny look on his face – I think Mad Cow disease came to my mind; we passed the “world famous” Buffalo Run restaurant and Que Car BBQ in Marblemount; we wrote our names in the visitor log in Wildwood Chapel in Rockport.

The weather was perfect … sunny and warm, we had the windows down, sang in the car, took lots of selfies, and had gorgeous views through the winding roads – the PNW was definitely showing off for us. My recommendation, if you have long hair, is to bring a hair tie because the wind at the Diablo Lake lookout is insane. I had no control over my wheelchair, the wind was blowing me all over the place. It was simply impossible to get a good picture without the wind blowing my hair in my face.

Yet another great day.






Jesus. Husband. Family. Schnoodle. Spaghetti.