I do believe it’s time for another adventure

Categories Travel


I’m not the type of person to let my injury affect what I love or who I am – especially when it comes to traveling. The last few days I’ve been getting ready for a trip to Mexico.

While I’ve managed to continue traveling since my injury it’s definitely different for a variety of reasons – one being packing. I’ve always hated packing because I stress out about what clothes/outfits to bring on trips … I’m such an over packer. But now packing is even worse – I have the longest checklist of medical supplies: from catheters, to meds, to my portable commode chair and so much more. Nowadays, I travel with two carry on suitcases filled with medical supplies, my huge suitcase stuffed with clothes, and my purse overflowing with gossip magazines, snacks, and all the other necessary essentials.

Anyways, I think I’m finally all packed for Mexico and hopefully haven’t forgotten anything! I can’t wait for all the adventures, memories, and stories to come from this trip. Watch out Cancun – get the margaritas ready.

Jesus. Husband. Family. Schnoodle. Spaghetti.