Rolling with Emma


My mom and I hosted a couple showers this summer at my house – a bridal shower for my cousin Ellen and a baby shower for my longest time friend Emily.

We had so much fun planning the decorations, choosing the games, organizing the menu, making the invitations, etc.

The weather was hot, sunny, and beautiful for both showers. We were able to have our french doors open and spend the majority of the time outside. My mom made the cutest cookies for both showers. I hear they taste just as good as they look – I wouldn’t know because I haven’t tried them. And if you need the recipe for a delicious white sangria I now have one so please ask!

We played such fun games: pair the famous couples, name that cake, pair the celebrities to their baby, and finish the nursery rhymes. Let me tell you, my parents did a terrible job telling me nursery rhymes when I was a baby because I didn’t know any of them except for Peter Piper. However, I must give my dad credit for making up his own unique songs and singing them to me … like Emma Emma Lou. 

It was so very special to celebrate these new milestones and life adventures for two dear people in my life. Plus, I always love to host a good party!